They trusted us:


We let you choose a testing tool like framework or library you want to use. You can easily integrate with dozens of solutions available on the market like:

>Appium (Selenium based),
>UI Automator,
>Monkey Runner,
>Calabash (by Xamarin),
>others – remember, if you can run it on local device, you can run it with SmartDust (assuming ADB based connection)
Start testing

Always at your service

Our qualified team is able to cope with various customer wishes,
also, help in building your own test farm with devices.
Contact us for a quote and more information.

About us

SmartDust was founded in 2019 by ex-Samsung employees, lead by the creator and manager of Samsung’s Remote Test Lab. We provided users with an effective platform to remotely use mobile devices for test purposes. Our solution allows us to increase device coverage while reducing costs. We are constantly improving those numbers to give worldwide users the great testing environment they deserve.

Now, SmartDust is an advanced and appreciated platform. We won Public and Grand Prix awards at The Final Gala of TDJ Pitango Seed Competition 2.  Number of our active users, partners, investors, and awards is growing, so we have a lot of confidence in the concept and motivation to serve you in the best way possible.

Our Goal: deliver 80% device coverage to satisfy 95% of actual users